
Hannah Robbins Hopkins

I'm a Master's student in the School of Information at University of Texas at Austin. My research interests focus on innovative ways that young women and teenagers create and shape language online.

I graduated from the University of Georgia in 2016 with degrees in English and English Education. While I was there, I co-founded a student activist organization and online publication, studied New Media and created for TEDxUGA, and worked with student-run theatre organizations.

From August 2016 to May 2017, I taught high school Theatre and English Language Arts (American Literature), working with students as they made sense of the media and performance landscapes around them. Today, I work with Campus and Community Engagement at Texas Performing Arts (TPA), welcoming area students to our performances with dynamic classroom lesson materials. Outside of TPA, I design web and print content for individuals and organizations. I'm also a Teaching Assistant in the English Department at UT, and I love working with students as they engage with discourse around language in the media. 

All this to say: I'm interested in stories and how we tell them best.

Click here for a little more information about my experience and interests. I'm always up for a chat about communities with big ideas (bonus points for West Wing references, of course). 

Let's make something together!





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